Saturday, May 30, 2009

Umea, Sweden

Since we'd already plastered Europe in a couple of installments last
year, we now are playing in smaller towns/venues. That means lots of
connecting flights- in fact 3 flights today. All day. Umea was great,
and can be summed up in a few words: College Town, Drunken folks,
Classic American cars, big rock festival on the water with Whitesnake
headlining. We whooped ASS on this gig! I particularly loved how
people with boats could hang out on the river and watch the show for
free, much like Humphrey's in San Diego.

My back was still a wreck, as I can't even get out of bed without
rolling over first. So I got a massage. I think it made it worse, as
it was a combo sports massage and deep tissue/swedish. Way too high
impact for me. Hot stones, people... It's the way to go. Well I'll
just keep reluctantly poppin' ibuprofin to get through the shows.

After the show, I stayed behind rather than going to the hotel. I put
on my "civilian clothes" and headed out to the beer-garden, where a
cover band was doing a wicked Metallica medley, among other rock
favorites. What a great hang! Mind you, we're still far up enough
north that the sun doesn't set, so everyone just keeps partying the
night away. Sitting in the front lounge windows back at the hotel
yielded some of the best late-night foot traffic people watching ever.

Off Denmark (3 more flights to do so)!

Yay Sweden!



  1. Mmmmmm, imagined Hurphrey's? (loved the place!)Must've been a sunny perfect weather in Umeaa. A free WS show while partying on boat? How cool!!

  2. Say hello to my ancestors up there in Sweden and Norway, okay?! :) (P.S. Mrs.4444 is Nicki's Aunt Barb)

  3. Perfect weather and the town was on fire! Whitsnake rocks and I had got opportunity to talk to a really nice basist who visit Sweden ;) Wish you all the best!!

  4. It was the perfect night in Umeå, and you guys really rocked! Still smiling thinking about it, was great to meet you!
